Sun 12 Jan
THICK ReD B0ne 😩😩😩 Killer Kurves 😍Big Br3ast 😁😁 C0meTr3at Yourself 60/80/140 - 22
(camp springs incalls, Southern Maryland)
Sat 11 Jan
Last chance FINE CHYNA THICK RED BOMBSHELL 🍪⭐️ 💧 BIG FINE 💦💧⭐️⭐️ 💯🎀⚜No Such thing As 2 Messy - 23
(INCALLS camp springs, Southern Maryland)
🍑🍑BiG BoOTy BANDIT🍑🍑 💯% REAL THicK CurVy MiLk ChoCoLate SkiN FLuffY BOOBS 💦💦MoiSt TiTe&CrEaMy; - 25
(CAMP SPRINGS INCALLS [AAF], Southern Maryland)
💦💦Guaranteed Satisfaction💟 Review 227823💋💎FlawlessForever - 25
(Camp springs Incalls only, Southern Maryland)
Fri 10 Jan
Happy Hour Special 50ss😍😎 Incalls only Best Massage Ever 😍🤗 - 24
(Camp springs, incalls only, Southern Maryland)
💕Visiting From NYC💋💕Freaky 50 Specials Busty BBW Incall Only! - 24
(Southern Maryland, Camp Springs AAFB, Incalls only)
$60QV 👭150hh Untill4 💋Sneak Away I won't Tell👅🍭 💋Let me put you to sleep😴play in this 💦 🐱 😂 - 24
(Camp springs, incalls + outcalls, Southern Maryland)
A+ Hott¡e ClaS$y & $a$Sy AmbeR WhitE - 21
(Southern Maryland, Clinton /Camp Springs AAFB Incalls NOW!!)
80 NEW Ñ BOTTOM THiiCK LITEBRITE- PHAT ASSS - Gorgeous Face!! 80 special - 21
(Southern Maryland, camp springs, Clinton incalls, outcalls)
NEW PiCS💕Sexy Ebony Cutie On Duty🍭🍬 Come Treat Yourself 🙌❤️ SPECIALS ALLDAY 🔥✨110% Real ~ No Gimmicks - 23
(Camp Springs Clinton incalls/Outcalls😘, Southern Maryland)
💋💋💋New in Town💕💋💋 Thick Curvy🐇🐇 Lilly💕💕💕 - 25
(Clinton incalls / Camp Springs / AAFB, Southern Maryland)
*• -:¦: CLICK *•-:¦:-•* HERE *•-:¦:-•* CLAIM•*¨¨*• YOUR *•-:¦:-•* PRIZE *•-:¦ - 24
(Southern Maryland, CAMP SPRINGS MD INCALLS)
🍭🎀 💜💄 Busty Vixen!! 36ddds early morning specials $80 - 21
(Southern Maryland, Camp springs incalls only)
Thu 09 Jan
💕👀💕EXOTIC superTHICK FREAKY💦 superPHAT BOOTY💦tight as a button-$60/20min special💕👀💕 - 21 - 21
(Oxon hill/camp springs/ incalls only, Southern Maryland)
¨¨*:•. ♥ BiG BOOtY +[[MiXXED]] YellABONE + ExoTiiC= GOoD MOrNING*:•. ♥ .•:*¨¨*.EaRLY BirD SPEcialS - 22
(Southern Maryland, Incalls!! CAMP SPRINGS/AFB/CLINTON)
AvailableNow 60ssSpecials LimitedTimeOffer HotNReady💦incallsonly - 24
(Camp springs, incalls only, District Of Columbia, Southern Maryland)
👅👀 50QV UNTIL 10pm 👅👄 Come Find Out Why We The BEST IN TOWN 💦💦2👭Special120hh - 24
(Camp springs, incalls only, District Of Columbia, Southern Maryland)
M@M@ C@T▂▃▄ ✦【Thick & Soft {[Xtra]} juicy C@r@mel【✧ Phatt Booty Freak 80$ spl - 24
(Southern Maryland, Aafb camp springs clinton (incalls only))
I keep her bald 100% real pics $100 specials - 24
(Southern Maryland, Incalls camp springs /outcalls anywhere)
Wed 08 Jan
Enjoy Your Every Want And Need With A Thick Sexy Thick Bunny - 18
(Southern Maryland, Camp Springs Incalls & Outcalls)
Come enjoy these seductive massages 💦💦💦 HappyHour Specials$ 60ss $120hh 👭GirlSpecials 😍 - 23
(Camp springs, incalls only, District Of Columbia, Southern Maryland)
AVAILABLE NOW✔ᏞᎬᏆs hᎪᏉᎬ sᎾmᎬ fuᏁ‼️ bᎬsᏆ bᎾᎠᎽᏒubs ᎥᏁ ᏆᎾᎳᏁ 😘 65 Incalls specials 140hh 2👭Specials - 23
(Camp springs, incalls & outcalls, Southern Maryland)
AVAILABLE NOW✔ᏞᎬᏆs hᎪᏉᎬ sᎾmᎬ fuᏁ‼️ bᎬsᏆ bᎾᎠᎽᏒubs ᎥᏁ ᏆᎾᎳN. Satisfy your cravings😘 - 24
(Camp springs, incalls only, Southern Maryland)
A Super Sexy BIG BOOTY FREAK Like ME. Needs A STRONG DOSE Extacy!!!! $80 SPECIALS* - 25
(Southern Maryland, CAMP SPRINGS *incalls & out*)
Amber White Your PeTiTe ItAliAn aNd GeRmAn TrEaT SasSy ClAsSy & SwEeT - 21
(Southern Maryland, Clinton/Camp Springs Incalls NOW!!)
❤🍡Allow playtime to begin!!🌸🍭 the perfect playmate💎🍡Fun Size Barbie💎 Specials🍭❤ - 23
(Camp Springs/Andrews AFB incalls, Southern Maryland)
WALDORF AREA ** 60Q Freaky Girl , ebony goddess with skills 💕💋 - 20
(Southern Maryland, WALDORF/ CAMP SPRINGS Incalls only)
50/15 mins!! 💎Monea♛💗 iM BETTER ⬇⬇ THEN ⬆⬆ her↙↙ & her↘↘🌟♛#❶ BBW Goddess HERE!🎀💎Dont Miss Out - 26
(Camp Springs Incalls Only, Southern Maryland)
Tue 07 Jan
AVAILABLE NOW✔ᏞᎬᏆs hᎪᏉᎬ sᎾmᎬ fuᏁ‼️ bᎬsᏆ bᎾᎠᎽᏒubs ᎥᏁ ᏆᎾᎳᏁ 😘 Happy Hour Specials $70 Incalls specials - 24
(Camp springs, incalls & outcalls, District Of Columbia, Southern Maryland)
ᏞᎬᏆs hᎪᏉᎬ sᎾmᎬ fuᏁ‼️ bᎬsᏆ bᎾᎠᎽᏒubs ᎥᏁ ᏆᎾᎳᏁ 😘 2👭GirlsSpecial🔥150hh - 24
(Camp springs, incalls only, Southern Maryland)
🎂Ready To Play!💋⏰👠 ((BIG BOOBS)) 🍰💄CrEaMy & TiGhT•• ChUbβy ChAsEr'S DeLiϑнϯ!👅 - 20
(Camp Springs INCALLS, Southern Maryland)
RounD BroWn New BOOTY PRETTY Kiitty PANAMANIAN Lovable Bomb Shell☎ CALL ME ♥100% Real ♥ - 23
(Southern Maryland, CAMP SPRINGS INCALLS)
★○★ ♥ ★○★«PHaT» BOOtY GORGeous ExotiC YellAbONE ★○ = UNfoRGETTABLE ★○★ ♥ SPEcIALS - 22
(Southern Maryland, Incalls!! CAMP SPRINGS/AFB/CLINTON)
Mon 06 Jan
AVAILABLE NOW✔ᏞᎬᏆs hᎪᏉᎬ sᎾmᎬ fuᏁ‼️ bᎬsᏆ bᎾᎠᎽᏒubs ᎥᏁ ᏆᎾᎳᏁ 😘 Happy Hour Specials $70 Incalls specials - 24
(Camp springs, incalls & outcalls, District Of Columbia, Southern Maryland)
Sun 05 Jan
Pull my hair😉 Spank Me💋 We like it nasty 😻Come play in this 💦💦💦 👭2GirlSpecial150 - 23
(Camp springs, incalls only && outcalls, District Of Columbia, Southern Maryland)
💖SUPERthick superPHAT BOOTY💖 (Creole/Samoan mix)💧 $80/30MIN special💦 COME get IT 💕👀💕 - 21
(Oxon hill/camp springs/ft wash(incalls), Southern Maryland)
📷New Pixx📷εXѳ†¡c ⓑⓐⓓⓓⓔⓢⓣ Fгєคкy 100% Rєคʆ🏆 C๏๓є Gєt SØΜ€ ⓐⓥⓐⓘⓛⓐⓑⓛⓔ •ŊɸШ - 20
(Camp Springs INCALLS, Southern Maryland)
Sat 04 Jan
Ready to Please!!!!☀️☀️TaStY Petite Sweet Exotic Spinner!!! 🔥🔥🔥🍒 - 23
(Southern Maryland, Clinton /Camp Springs/incalls)
Pull my hair😉 Spank Me💋 We like it nasty 😻Come play in this 💦💦💦 👭2GirlSpecial120 - 23
(Camp springs, incalls only && outcalls, District Of Columbia, Southern Maryland)
☆IRISH BoMbSheLL; FreAKY & WiLLiNG♡ 60.. 80.. 120.. PRiVATE L0CATi0N. AVAiL N0W!!100% REAL - 22
(Southern Maryland, Camp springs Incalls and outcalls)
5⭐ Top 💜 Notch 💜Provider💜1 of A Kind & the Best Around!~ ❤♥ ( SNeAK AwAY & LeTs PLaY!) - 26
(Camp Springs/Clinton incalls, Southern Maryland)
★○★ ♥★○★WaKe Up W/ ME « UPSCALE» BIG BOOtY+ YeLLAbone GORGeouslY Mixxed ★○ = UNfoRGETTABLE ★○★ ♥ - 22
(Southern Maryland, Incalls!! CAMP SPRINGS/BRANCH AVE)
Fri 03 Jan
✨new pictures✨ 🏅best kitty 🏅 my 👅MOUTh👅 just compliments my 🍑AƨƧ🍑 💦💦Ɯ E ϯ. ϯE S ϯ. ƘιϯϯƳ - 20
(Camp Springs Incalls, Southern Maryland)
Pull my hair😉 Spank Me💋 We like it nasty 😻Come play in this 💦💦💦 50qv 👭2GirlSpecial120hh - 23
(Camp springs, incalls && outcalls, District Of Columbia, Southern Maryland)
°¤«»N€w to the area DOmiNICAn an ITaliAn sp€CiAl TR€aT100% r€al PicS¤«» 80 specials - 21
(Southern Maryland, Clinton, camp springs incalls)
Lίmίτεd Edίτίoη⚡ʝυι¢у ∂яєαм gιяℓ⚡✋💋 (305)205-1777💎👍 🔥💕 δe∂uctive ßεαuty • Avαiℓαbℓe➜ ⓝⓞⓦ - 22
(Camp Springs, AAFB, allentown rd incalls, Southern Maryland)
💜❤NEW PICS✧≫You've Tried The Rest Now Try The Best ❤Country Thiⓒk✺💥In⒞alls✔Available Now 2 Girls - 25
(Southern Maryland, Camp Springs incalls only)
LAST NIGHT 🔥💣48I TIDDAYS & 52 INCHES OF @$$ 💣ItaLian&rican; BEAUTIFUL B0mbshell 💣💵C0me Get Y0u Fixx💉💉🎥70hh - 23
(Southern Maryland, INCALLS CAMP SPRINGS)
😘👄💦*Leaving At 12 Today* The Best Playmate Youll Ever Have😍👄💦 Ask About My Specials - 22
(Oxin Hill ,Camp Springs🤗Incalls only🤗, Southern Maryland)
💖SUPERthick superPHAT BOOTY💖 (Creole/Samoan mix)💧 $80/30MIN special💦 COME get IT 💕👀💕 - 21
(Oxon hill/camp springs/ft wash(incalls), Southern Maryland)
Thu 02 Jan