Sat 11 Jan
Friday ALEXANDRIA (Babs Bunny) (T€R 202567/P411 id:191171) (Lollipop Sp. $120) $140Half ($240Hr2x) - 38
(District Of Columbia, Northern Virginia, Southern Maryland, Alexandria, VA* Richmond HWY* (INCALLS))
Fri 10 Jan
50/20min⭐LoOKs☆ Go0D☆ Fe3Ls☆ EvEn☆ BeTTeR!☆ →→ [Exotic BBW BEAUTY] [√¡ρ BBW ρℓαγmα†ε] Available NoW - 25
(Cheverly Landover bladensburg Lanham, Southern Maryland)
Alexandria SUN AM (BABS BUNNY) (T€R 202567/P411 id:191171) (Lollipop Sp. $120) $140Half ($240Hr2x) - 38
(District Of Columbia, Northern Virginia, Southern Maryland, Alexandria, VA* Richmond HWY* (INCALLS))
Thu 09 Jan
♤¤♡in call special 100 for 40 min. .out calls also♡¤♤ - 26
(Southern Maryland, Gaithersburg Rockville)
Wed 08 Jan
( INCALLS) , Summer Cam Early 🌺🍭 UPSCALE Location!! - 20
(Southern Maryland, Gaithersburg , Rockville, Germantown)
Chocolate 😋😋🍫🍫! A💜N💜G💜E💜L !! ☺️☺️Petite&Pretty; - 21
(Southern Maryland, Gaithersburg,Clinton,Silver Spring Largo)
50QV♥ItS PlaYTimE BoyS♥ SeDuctIve SliPPerY pEtiTE CUtiE ❤️XceLLenT MouTh PieCe ♥REAdY NOW 50/80/150♥ - 23
(Laurel MD rt. 1 *incalls only*, Southern Maryland)
Tue 07 Jan
100%🐝 REAL DEAL No FaKe PicS!!!💋 WhAt u SeE is WhAt U GET !!!! - 20
(Silver Spring * Greenbelt * Hyattsville, Southern Maryland)
$80 Sp👅30 & OVER ONLY❗️OUTCALLS ONLY❗️ Can I 👅👅👅 your Lollipop ❓❓😝🍭Angel Baby🍭😝❤️💋😘😘❤️❤️Petite❓❓ - 22
(Southern Maryland, Hyattsville, Largo,Bowie, Clinton)
Mon 06 Jan
-:¦:- PuErTo RiCaN -:¦:- {{CoMPaNiOn}} -:¦:- -:¦:- STuNNinG -:¦:- ExOtiC -:¦:-{SeXy} - 25
N ✷ A ✷ U ✷ G ✷ H ✷ T ✷ Y▃▅▆██▆▅▃i ✷ T ✷ A ✷ L ✷ i ✷ A ✷ N▃▅▆██▆▅▃G ✷ O✷ N ✷E▃▅▆██▆▅▃W ✷ i ✷ L ✷ D - 20
(Southern Maryland, " WALDORF " RT 3O1 BRANCH AVE/CRAiN HWY)
Hot🔥🔥K¡ηkγ🍆🍆✿ δωεε† 🍭🍬©υr√γ🏊 ✿ δε∂υ©†¡√ε ✿ ηαυς╠╣†γ 👅✿ ρℓαγ♏α†ε °❀Let DESIRE BE YOURS TONIGHT😘😻 - 22
(Southern Maryland, National Harbor Oxon Hill Ft. Washington)
Sun 05 Jan
NEW ♛ (80$) ♛ [☆THE ☆PERFEcT ☆TREAT☆ ] ♛ (80$) ♛ [☆] OPEN MiNDED [☆] BUSTY BLoNDE [☆] ♛ (80$) ♛ - 21
(Northern Virginia, Alexandria Incalls Near i-495)
Sat 04 Jan
Nikki Monroe💦!~ ❤♥ The 💟 MoDeL TyPe 💋((New))💋Pics Well Reviewed - 25
(District Of Columbia, outcall/incall Laurel/Columbia/Jessup)
L҉👀K҉☎️→😍 M a i n 💥 A t t r a c t i o n ₩iT Soft🍦 Bubble😘 Kissable BOOTy ★CaLL NoW Incalls - 21
(Incall: Waldorf/Lapata/Brandywine, Southern Maryland)
Fri 03 Jan
SILVER SPRING 😍 ((NEW)) Exotic PlayMate 😍💦 Available 24/7 ☺️ FetiSsh Queen STRAP PLAY/TOYS 🍆🍑 KINKY 👅 - 23
(Gaithersburg incalls, Southern Maryland)
Thu 02 Jan