Fri 10 Jan
★ 50 ★ THICK BOOTY Guyanese FREAK ★ SOFT N SWEET★ up all night - 24
(Southern Maryland, Camp springs / BRANCH / SUITLAND)
🌺💚wow🌺💚 your favorite white girl 🌺💚the best there is 🌺💚 sexy petite Italian cutie 🌺💚 - 22
(Southern Maryland, In/out calls camp springs)
Super Freak. Sexy, Slim, BROWN GODDE$$ INCALLS - 21
(Southern Maryland, Clinton, Camp Springs, Upper Marlboro*)
60 *60 * 60 *80 *60*60 campsprings Suitland forestville - 25
(Southern Maryland, Camp springs (AAFB) and Suitland)
80 NEW Ñ BOTTOM THiiCK LITEBRITE- PHAT ASSS - Gorgeous Face!! 80 special - 21
(Southern Maryland, camp springs, Clinton incalls, outcalls)
▄▀🍎▀▄ 150/HR 80/HH 🍭🌟🌟🍭 SeNSuaL ▌NeW NuMBe▌WeLL ReVieWeD 🍎 ▌LaST NiTe!! 🍭!🌟🍭🍭🌟🍭 ▌▌▄▀🍎▀▄ - 24
(Southern Maryland, Camp Springs Suitland AAFB 248751)
NEW PiCS💕Sexy Ebony Cutie On Duty🍭🍬 Come Treat Yourself 🙌❤️ SPECIALS ALLDAY 🔥✨110% Real ~ No Gimmicks - 23
(Camp Springs Clinton incalls/Outcalls😘, Southern Maryland)
ⓑⓐⓓⓓⓔⓢⓣ 🎥- PROOF 【READY ησϖ】 uℓtiℳαtε ⓕⓡⓔⓐⓚ 【①ⓄⓄ% ME】【🇳🇦🇸🇹🇾 🇫🇺🇳】 💋ⓦⓔⓣ💦 & 🔧ⓣⓘⓖⓗⓣ - 32
(Camp Springs/ Clinton, Southern Maryland)
MzHoneyHoneygold is back. only GROWN MATURE OLD MAN ONLY 80,120,150$ special everything no gk - 23
(District Of Columbia, Southern Maryland, camp springs)
💋💋💋New in Town💕💋💋 Thick Curvy🐇🐇 Lilly💕💕💕 - 25
(Clinton incalls / Camp Springs / AAFB, Southern Maryland)
MIXED Indian 💦💥👄▒ PETITE & TIGHT ▓💥💦💋 ▓ ▓Last DAY In Town - 20
(Southern Maryland, Camp springs/ AAFB Clinton)
⚠️Incall ➡️ ℰ✘тя℮m℮Ly ⒼⓄⓇⒼⒺⓄⓊⓈ 👅💦 💋💗Ẹ¥Ẹ✨💎👑₡Ạ₦Ð¥ 💖 💕🌹🍹ẠVẠłŁẠBŁẸ🍹🌹💕 - 23
(Camp Springs Allentown rd Branch Ave IN, Southern Maryland)
MESMERiZiNG 💫💫💫✨✨ 👑Your Favorite EXOTIC Princess👑 ✨✨💫💫💫 Exotic🌟 Dominican 🌟 Irresistible 🌟 - - 24 - 25
(Southern Maryland, Waldorf M.d In&Outcalls;)
👅M̤̈ë̤l̤̈ẗ̤ ï̤n̤̈ Ÿ̤ö̤ṳ̈R̤̈ M̤̈Ö̤Ṳ̈T̤̈Ḧ̤ 👄 50 Specials💥🍰 Aᔕᔕ GOOᗪᑎEᔕᔕ HaS SpEcIaLs til 6:00pm - 24
(Camp Springs- INcall Only, Southern Maryland)
*• -:¦: CLICK *•-:¦:-•* HERE *•-:¦:-•* CLAIM•*¨¨*• YOUR *•-:¦:-•* PRIZE *•-:¦ - 24
(Southern Maryland, CAMP SPRINGS MD INCALLS)
🍭🎀 💜💄 Busty Vixen!! 36ddds early morning specials $80 - 21
(Southern Maryland, Camp springs incalls only)
🐠🐳CATCH~OF~DAY🐠🐳 ₩eDne§Da¥ §PeCiaLS 👉5O/QV - 1OO/HR👈 Don't Miss Out - 27
(Camp Springs In/Out avail, Southern Maryland)
Thu 09 Jan
♛♛[☆THE ☆PERFECT ☆TREAT☆ ] ♛♛[☆] DeLiCiOus [☆][☆] ♛♛ [☆][☆] SwEet & ThiCk [☆]♛♛1000% ME! - 25
I'm Really Ready For YOU💦💦💦💦👅👅👅👅👅I'll Take Very Good Care Of U Daddy💦👅😘 - 24
(Camp Springs AaFB Temple Hills, Southern Maryland)
Winter💆💅 fun size here😘 💆 Fun, matute, independent, N clean👅💋💦 2028236191 - 24
(Camp springs. Oxon hill, temple hills,.o, District Of Columbia, Southern Maryland)
$$$$ Exotic Latina ReaDy 2 Drive U CraZy $$$ JackPoT Click Me SiLLy!!! - 25
(Southern Maryland, Clinton/ camp springs/ oxon hill)
💦💦I get SLIPPERY💦💦60Spec! 💗 to lick the lollipop 🍭 Sweeter than 🍬 🍬!!! BiG Bootie 7185933238 - 23
(Southern Maryland, Capitol Heights, Camp Springs, INCALL)
💕👀💕EXOTIC superTHICK FREAKY💦 superPHAT BOOTY💦tight as a button-$60/20min special💕👀💕 - 21 - 21
(Oxon hill/camp springs/ incalls only, Southern Maryland)
🅠🅥 ⓢⓟⓔⓒ 🚧🚧 ŢakË Ⓐ NaⓊǴhtty Ḍ⒠tÕṶƦ🚧🚧 🆆🅴🆃 ⛈🆆🅸🅻🅳 👴 💭•α мαи's fαитαsy•💦🌋💦🅠🅥 ⓢⓟⓔⓒ - 23
(camp springs Clinton oxon hill aafb, Southern Maryland)
🍫🍫🍫 BEST IN TOWN ☀️☀️☀️ 717-340-5005 "I'm EVERYTHING YOU Need" Sweet🍓 Classy🍷 Sexy💋 Available NOW - 25
(Ins only👑 ALLENTOWN RD CAMP SPRINGS, Southern Maryland)
🔥🔥🔥 Curvy Cutie 🔥🔥🔥 video vixen 🔥🔥🔥 Latina mixed goddess 🔥🔥🔥 - 24
(Camp springs / Clinton / suitland / aafb, District Of Columbia, Southern Maryland)
Choose the flavor of your choice ☺️💕 Vanilla 🙌🏾 Or Caramel 😍 - 24
(Camp springs Allentown road aafb, Southern Maryland)
((( VISITING ))) ~~~~~~~~ { SuPeR--NAuGHTy} ! ==== SEXY VOLUPTUOUS BODY! ~~~~~ 100% Real Pics!! - 27
💋💋🅱🅱w SessiOns 42H 🅱oo🅱s CarameL 🅱🅱w 💋💋ViP SpeciaLs - 28
¨¨*:•. ♥ BiG BOOtY +[[MiXXED]] YellABONE + ExoTiiC= GOoD MOrNING*:•. ♥ .•:*¨¨*.EaRLY BirD SPEcialS - 22
(Southern Maryland, Incalls!! CAMP SPRINGS/AFB/CLINTON)
A Message to My Favorite Few... See ME Before I Go. - 38
(Camp Springs AAFB Clinton, Southern Maryland)
AvailableNow 60ssSpecials LimitedTimeOffer HotNReady💦incallsonly - 24
(Camp springs, incalls only, District Of Columbia, Southern Maryland)
☆ ☆ ☆ Baby, I can do it ☆ ☆ ☆ I take my time and do it right! - 26
(Southern Maryland, camp springs IN/OUT Waldorf area)
💗💙💖CoMe FrOsT MY(๏人๏) 5★K😻TTY SpAnK My BootY X-raTed 👄👅 SkillS - 22
(Southern Maryland, 💘OutCall💙Incall Camp Springs💗SPLS)
__CLICK_>> BELLABOMB* SHELL _CALL > Domincan__FLIM STAR__!!!! _>>> ____RAIN__ON__ME - 24
(Southern Maryland, camp springs, Virginia, Clinton, PG, DC)
⬆⬇ 50/20min💦i can bounce Up ⬆ & Down ⬇on it 🏩2 gurls🌊TIGHT thick &Juicy;💦Big Phat BOOTY📥70half - 22
*Camp Springs* ♥ } HERE {♥} Exotic Beauty ★ :•: FuN ★ :•: SeXy ★ :•: Soo SweeT {♥} NOW {♥} - 24
(Southern Maryland, CAMP SPRINGS)
Big tits, nice Booty, thick sexy bbw Ms China Special 50/80/120 - 25
(Southern Maryland, clinton camp springs aafb Oxon hill)
Back in town by popular demand Don't Miss Out On A Great Time Here Visting - 21
(Southern Maryland, Camp springs md)
•••••••★••Butter Peacan Puerto Rican ••★•••••• - 23
(Southern Maryland, suitland, camp springs,clinton,temple hi)
⁀҉‿⇗°ŘiÐΞ σ₦ ℳ¥ sŁi₱ & σ 🚨i ₩σ₦τ ✋s₮o₱🚨‿⇗°⁀҉‿💋₮iŁ ₮hΞ💋‿⇗⁀☆҉_vΞr¥ Ła₷t✔⇘‿☆⁀҉ ‿⇗💦Ðrθp💦↘°☆⁀҉‿ - 32
(LAST DAYS in AAFB Camp Springs, Southern Maryland)
4 DaYS LeFT!! ❤NeW Hair SaMe FReaKY GiRL ❤ SoFT BooTY ❤ 80 SPeCiaLS 💜❤ - 27
(Southern Maryland, Camp Springs Suitland Clinton Oxon Hill)
$$4 the WorLD's pleAsURe$, finally arrived the DiVine TrEAsure $$NEW PICS!!! - 21
(Southern Maryland, camp springs/temple hills md.)
$60ss $100 hh specials-NEW #-let me please you this morning - 25
(Southern Maryland, upper Marlboro - camp springs-Andrew AFB)
👅👀 50QV UNTIL 10pm 👅👄 Come Find Out Why We The BEST IN TOWN 💦💦2👭Special120hh - 24
(Camp springs, incalls only, District Of Columbia, Southern Maryland)
☚ 60 ★SNEAK Away & Come Play w/t ME☛ Not THEM★ - 23
(Southern Maryland, Camp springs SUITLAND branch ave)
specialsCaramel Jamaican Goddess~Ummm So Tasty~So Freaky~ 38G-32-48 ~ So Soft... Want Some? - 25
(Southern Maryland, CAMP SPRINGS/ ANDREWS AFB)
So Damn GOOOOOOOOOODDDD MAKE your toes CURL!!!!!!!!!! Back In town by Demand...Better ask about me! - 22
(Southern Maryland, clinton, Waldorf, Camp Springs,upper mar)
💛NEW 💛EXoTIC PLaYMaTe :-•*💛LOOKS•☆• GOOD•☆• FEELS •☆• EVEN •☆• BETTER 💛PleaSurEs PLaYgRouND* •.. MIS - 29
(Southern Maryland, In/OutCalls Camp springs)
M@M@ C@T▂▃▄ ✦【Thick & Soft {[Xtra]} juicy C@r@mel【✧ Phatt Booty Freak 80$ spl - 24
(Southern Maryland, Aafb camp springs clinton (incalls only))
I keep her bald 100% real pics $100 specials - 24
(Southern Maryland, Incalls camp springs /outcalls anywhere)
💦💦I get SLIPPERY💦💦 I 💗 to lick the lollipop 🍭 Sweeter than 🍬 🍬60!!! BiG Bootie 7185933238 - 23
(Southern Maryland, Upper Marlboro, Camp Springs, Suitland,)
Brand New girl Brunette and beautiful 🌺🌺🌺🌹🌹 pretty tonight only !!! - 24
(Southern Maryland, Camp springs Md /AFB)
Wed 08 Jan
Top Notch && I Aim To Please 💦😘 Yourz Truely - 24
(Aafb Allentown rd camp springs, Southern Maryland)
💄тнє ρєяƒє¢т💋ѕ¢яυмρтισυѕ 🍸∂єℓιgнт👔 🍴¢αкєѕ🍑ση тнє🍓мєηυє🍰 - - 29
(LAST DAYS Camp Springs AAFB / Oxon Hill, Southern Maryland)
M🍎I🍎L🍎A🍎N 50/ss/80hhr incall special only!! - 26
(Camp springs Clinton AAFB in/out, Southern Maryland)
Juicy Bunny That's Always Rated #1❤Come & Enjoy Me Babe - 22
(Southern Maryland, Camp Springs/ Outcalls All Over)
Enjoy Your Every Want And Need With A Thick Sexy Thick Bunny - 18
(Southern Maryland, Camp Springs Incalls & Outcalls)
💋💋Farewell Wishes, Hugs, and Kisses💋💋... 👀See Me Before I Go!!... {{Ms. Ch💍zen C💎rter}} - 38
(Camp Springs/Andrew's AFB/Clinton, Southern Maryland)
Come enjoy these seductive massages 💦💦💦 HappyHour Specials$ 60ss $120hh 👭GirlSpecials 😍 - 23
(Camp springs, incalls only, District Of Columbia, Southern Maryland)
Deep Mouth Ready For You To Enter... Big 38Gs Ready To Be Teased.. - 25
(Southern Maryland, CAMP SPRINGS/ ANDREWS AFB)
☆★.•*¨¨*•. ☆DMV's Most Desired Vixen All You Want And More!!!! Specials ALL Night ★☆.•*¨¨*•. ☆ - 29
(Southern Maryland, Clinton ✰ Camp Springs ✮ Oxon Hill)
AVAILABLE NOW✔ᏞᎬᏆs hᎪᏉᎬ sᎾmᎬ fuᏁ‼️ bᎬsᏆ bᎾᎠᎽᏒubs ᎥᏁ ᏆᎾᎳᏁ 😘 65 Incalls specials 140hh 2👭Specials - 23
(Camp springs, incalls & outcalls, Southern Maryland)
Exotic°·°·°·Secret Playmate °·°·°·Dream Girl°·°·° - 22
(Southern Maryland, DMV Outcalls Only/camp springs in/out)
AVAILABLE NOW✔ᏞᎬᏆs hᎪᏉᎬ sᎾmᎬ fuᏁ‼️ bᎬsᏆ bᎾᎠᎽᏒubs ᎥᏁ ᏆᎾᎳN. Satisfy your cravings😘 - 24
(Camp springs, incalls only, Southern Maryland)
💥YOUNG ASIAN▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ 🍀🍀 NEW in TOWN 4/19 🍀🍀 ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ ✭#1 RatIng✭MUST✭TRY‼️✭ ▃▃▃▃▃ - 23
(District Of Columbia, Northern Virginia, Southern Maryland, 🍎🍎🍎Camp Springs/Alexandria/Oxon Hill🍎🍎🍎)
🔥💦🍫California's 💎💨💦CHOCOLATE 🍫👑 Bïg BÖOTY 👑💎💦👑Goddess🌺💎💦 Vîsïting✌ 530.523.8328 - 22
(Camp Springs 🏪Allentown rd, Southern Maryland)
😘😘😘Come have FUN with me , I swear you will LOVE every bit of me !!!😘😘😘 - 22
(Camp springs, Southern Maryland)
✨∂օ υ ωαղт Mҽ օղ Mყ βαck օɾ❔ Mαყβҽ❔ օղ Mყ kղҽҽႽ ⎝ ❤🏨❤⎠ ➡ or WatCH➡👀 me Plعasur£💘➡ mySELF♠ - 21
(Camp springs Clinton or OUTGOING, Southern Maryland)
YOUNG ASIAN▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ 🍀🍀 NEW in TOWN 12/20 🍀🍀 ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ ✭#1 RatIng✭MUST✭TRY‼️✭ ▃▃▃▃▃ - 23
(Southern Maryland, 🍎🍎🍎Camp Springs/Alexandria/Oxon Hill🍎🍎🍎)
YouR FaVoRiTe FReaK Is BaCK! ❤SaTiSFaCTioN GuaRaNTeeD ❤ 80 SPeCiaLS 💜THe ReaL oNe❤ - 27
(Southern Maryland, Camp Springs Suitland Clinton Oxon Hill)
Y O U R # 1 C H O I CE ————:¦:•S T O P & T A K E ——A——:¦:•L•O • O • K•:¦: ———(( TREAT YOURSELF)) - 24
▶▶TATTOOS DONT LIE ◀◀ P€tit€ BOOTY.★Skilled LiPs!! ☜♥☞WaRm & Juicy ♥ReaDy 2 Please❤ 100% R€Al - 23
(Southern Maryland, 🎀Camp springs AAFB Clinton oxon hill 🎀)
Taking Care of the DMV's UPSCALE GENTLEMEN, One Fellow at a Time...ℳδ. CαяTعя - 38
(CAMP SPRINGS INCALL, Southern Maryland)
•💎💄💙💄💎• Top Specialist • Come Try This•💎💄💙💄💎• SP/80 •💎💄💙💄💎•Hɛɑɗ Dѳctѳʀ•💎💄💙💄💎• - 21
(Clinton / Allentown Road / Camp Springs, Southern Maryland)
👑👑 DC's FiNe 💲 T 💔 HeartBReaK QUeeN 💔 Adult fiLM stAR 💚 Poizon ivy - 99
(Camp springs Incall, District Of Columbia, Southern Maryland)
D¡ng!•:*• D¡ng‼ •:*• D¡ng!!!•:*• ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ {T.K.O} {Cert!f¡ed 🏆PRO} 💯...👔UPSCALE Gentlemen Only‼ - 38
(Camp Springs/AAFB/Fort Washington, Southern Maryland)